Seorang bayi yang baru lahir ditengah pandemi global Virus Corona baru COVID-19 dinamai “Siva Korona”. Foto dari buku tasyakuran kelahiran bayi tersebut sudah beredar dan viral di media sosial. Cuitan soal bayi ini mayoritas berpangkal pada tweet akun berikut ini:
Naming a baby after some big events (even the catastrophic ones) is an old Javanese tradition. When dr Cipto Mangunkusumo was in charge of severe plague (pes) in Dutch East Indies, he named her adopted daughter “Pestiati”, taken from “Pes” and I would suppose “tiati” (cautious). …
parents nowdays ~
Gunartoo@bergunartaNaming a baby after some big events (even the catastrophic ones) is an old Javanese tradition. When dr Cipto Mangunkusumo was in charge of severe plague (pes) in Dutch East Indies, he named her adopted daughter “Pestiati”, taken from “Pes” and I would suppose “tiati” (cautious). …
parents nowdays ~
Siva korona = obat korona